Getting Started

Pixels is a metaverse and MMORPG for the NFTs you already own. Taking a lot of inspiration from some of our childhood favorites like Stardew Valley and Runescape, Pixels allows you to take your existing NFTs into a play-to-earn game!

How do I play?

The game is live here:

How do I Login In?

If you want to save your progress, you still need to sign in with Ronin Wallet.

What if I don't have a supported NFT?

Don’t worry – if none of your NFTs are supported, you can still play the game! Click “Customize Character” if you are signed in with Ronin Wallet.

How do I move?

Movement is currently restricted to WASD (make sure you are not typing in the chat), but Arrow Key and Click movement will be available in the near future.

How do I select and equip?

Click the items in your inventory


Inventory slots are label 1 through 9 and are key bindings – press the corresponding key on your keyboard to select or equip that item.

How do I start quests?

While you’re in Terra Villa, check your quest log - there's a lot of beginner tasks! If you can't figure out what to do - join our Discord - there are tons of helpful people and language communities inside of it!